Authenticating with the UNL API

You can interact with the UNL apis using oauth2 client_credentials flow.

To obtain a set of credentials for use in the hackathon send email to

Once you have your client id and secret, you may generate an access token by making a POST request to with the following body.


In the response you will receive a temporary token. Add this token as a Bearer authentication header in all subsequent requests. For example to convert a UNL cell id to a set of coordinates use the location api

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN'
"words": "somewhat.resorting.shipborne",
"geohash": "thrq94sbv",
"coordinates": {
"lat": 25.062712,
"lon": 55.246017,
"elevation": 0,
"elevationType": "floor"
"httpStatusCode": 200

The complete reference documentation can be viewed on the documentation page.